мне приснятся мои похороны и ты в чёрном;
https://i.imgur.com/TnJjF8G.png https://i.imgur.com/XdUiFAY.png https://i.imgur.com/0HZswrd.png https://i.imgur.com/dAe6BnS.png
dbh revers!au: richard nines & rd200 (gavin);

will you stay or will you go the choice is yours it's yes or no, voices whisper in your ear ‘there’s nothing to fear’;

and then you crossed my path
you quelled my fears, you made me laugh
then you covered my heart in kisses

[lz] <div class="ls"><a href="http://ambivalence.f-rpg.ru/viewtopic.php?id=70#p2077">ричард найнз, 36;</a> feel it in your bones <a href="http://ambivalence.f-rpg.ru/profile.php?id=16">the need</a> for something more</div> <div class="fandom">— detroit: become human —</div>[/lz][nick]Richard Nines[/nick][status]red king[/status][icon]https://i.imgur.com/zFYWgvJ.gif[/icon][sign]то, чего ты хочешь?[/sign]

Отредактировано RK900 (02.10.18 23:59)